
The media shown here only represent a small portion of the assets I've created with the Adobe suite (and other software). If you'd like to see more, please contact me.

Sound Design

Sound-designed excerpts from The Rime of The Ancient Mariner in Audacity for a high school Performing Arts Technology class in my freshman year (2020).

3rd anniversary icon Server guide icon with grad caps Server banner for Lunar New Year Server banner for New Year's Eve/Day Server banner for Groundhog Day

A2C (Applying to College)

I created special assets for this 32,000-member community, commemorating events like new year's eve and the server's 3rd anniversary. A2C logo not by me.

CPRC icon CPRC banner

CPRC (Club penguin rewritten cheats)

I created standard assets for this 11,000-member Club Penguin remake community and its Twitter account, incorporating characters and environments from the game. I also made banners for various members in the community, which are not pictured here. CPRC logo not by me.

Emma Nolan's room from <i>The Prom</i> (Purposefully low-quality) <i>Eleanor!</i> step and repeat for the opening of <i>The Prom</i>

Digital Theatre Backdrops

I created content for use in my high school's production of The Prom for the LED video wall which was mapped onto an LED video wall throughout the show. The "step and repeat" above was used for the prelude of The Prom. I have also fabricated many physical props for a handful of shows, and learned the basics of stage makeup.


Some projects cannot be shown due to privacy concerns. If you'd like to see more, please contact me.

AP Students

I worked on a team of 4 volunteers to create a community moderation bot for this 50,000-member AP studying community.


I worked to develop automation services to help this 1,000-member community score Twitter freebies through Discord.


I automated Discord play announcements and a "success" Twitter bot for this paid trading community.

Mascot Bot and CPRC Bot

I programmed a Discord bot for this Club Penguin community of 11,000 members with trivia and other features. I also launched the @BotCPR Twitter account, gaining 1,000+ followers for mascot-tracking announcements.


Study for history courses through this interactive timeline game!

SelectiveStudy for Quizlet

Having trouble learning specific concepts from your flashcard deck? Study these terms exclusively in a new deck with SelectiveStudy for Quizlet!

Theatre Technology

Earning a Dante certificate, I am proficient in QLab and have worked with OSC to program an Elgato StreamDeck.
